W dniach 27 – 28 września 2010 roku w Trewirze odbędzie się konferencja nt. „Doroczna konferencja europejskiego prawa rodzinnego”.

Przedmiotem konferencji będzie prawo rozwodowe i małżeńskie ustroje majątkowe. Powyższa tematyka analizowana będzie w oparciu o europejskie regulacje prawne w przedmiotowym zakresie.

Tekst oryginalny:

“Annual Conference on European Family Law 2010”

The 2010 edition of this annual conference on the latest developments in European family law will focus on both applicable law to divorce and matrimonial property regimes.

In March 2010, the European Commission published its proposal for a Regulation implementing enhanced cooperation in the area of the law applicable to divorce and legal separation ('Rome III', COM (2010) 105).

Participants will discuss the most topical issues of the proposed Regulation laying down choice of law rules in divorce matters:

  • Enhanced cooperation of 10 (or more) Member States
  • Freedom of choice and applicable law in absence of choice
  • Application of a foreign law
  • Consequences for non-participating and non-EU countries
  • What happens next?

The second key topic concerns matrimonial property regimes and patrimonial aspects of other forms of union. A Commission proposal is expected later this year ('Rome IV').

Legal practitioners and academics will report on the current situation in several European jurisdictions. The discussion will include marital agreements and the proposal for an optional Franco-German matrimonial property regime.

Finally, the state of play in the drafting of new legal instruments in the field of European family law and law of succession will be presented.