W dniach 14-15 październik 2010 roku w Trewirze odbędzie się doroczna Konferencja Europejskiego Prawa Konsumenckiego, której głównym przedmiotem będzie harmonizacja prawa umów.

Konferencja skupi się na analizie tendencji dotyczących ochrony konsumentów w Unii Europejskiej i inicjatywach unijnych w przedmiotowym zakresie.

Debata skoncentrowana będzie na perspektywach Dyrektywy o prawach konsumentów. Podejmowana będzie także problematyka Dyrektywy o podróżach pakietowych czy tez najnowsze orzecznictwo ETS dotyczące spraw konsumenckich.

Teskt oryginalny:

Annual Conference on European Consumer Law 2010

The objective of this annual conference is to analyse the current state of EU consumer protection law and the most important recent EU initiatives in this field. The focus will be on consumer rights and the conference will debate the perspectives for a future Consumer Rights Directive.

The European Commission in 2008 adopted a proposal for a Directive on consumer rights aiming at merging, updating, modernising and strengthening provisions in the key problematic areas of four existing EU consumer directives (consumer sales, unfair contract terms, distance selling and doorstep selling). According to the Commission, full harmonisation of all consumer rights in the EU would end the fragmentation of the single market, improve legal clarity, guarantee the same protection to all consumers and stimulate cross-border trade.

Concerns have been raised, however, among member states, consumer organisations and Members of the European Parliament that a full harmonisation would in practice lead to a levelling down of certain consumer rights.

Commissioner Reding has announced that she will review the Commission's 2008 proposal to consider, where practical, the option of more targeted harmonisation.

Other current developments to be addressed include:

  • enforcement issues, such as consumer collective redress
  • the review of the Package Travel Directive
  • consumer data protection
  • latest case-law of the ECJ on consumer matters